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Eu e o outro: neurônios-espelho

O interesse de neurocientistas, psicólogos, médicos, enfermeiros, filósofos, antropólogos e outras áreas da ciência a respeito dos[…]

Spirituality and Resilience in Trauma Victims

Abstract The way people process stressors is critical in determining whether or not trauma will be experienced.[…]

Espiritualidade Restauradora

O mosaico de variáveis constituintes da natureza humana – não completamente conhecido pela ciência – promove uma[…]

Cerebral blood flow changes during retrieval of traumatic memories before and after psychotherapy: a SPECT study

Background. Traumatic memory is a key symptom in psychological trauma victims and may remain vivid for several years.[…]

Psychotherapy and Neuroscience: toward closer integration

The original aim of psychology was to study and understand the spirit—from the Latin spiritus, literally‘‘breath.’’ The[…]

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